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Part Number (contains) :
Part Number (begins with) :
For price request, please contact : quotestock(à)
  1. 1
  2.  2
  3.  3
  4.  >
Part NumberDescriptionQuantity
21215 AD 40 20 LE RIVETS FAMILY 46
21215 CA 40 11 RIVETS FAMILY 459
21215 CM 32 16 W RIVETS FAMILY 777
21215 DB 24 08 RIVETS FAMILY 3 827
21215 DC 32 12 RIVETS FAMILY 1 954
21215 DC 32 24 J RIVETS FAMILY 11 028
21215 DC 40 23 J RIVETS FAMILY 1 568
21217 DC 40 10 A RIVETS FAMILY 8 345
21217 DE 24 07 A RIVETS FAMILY 9 979
21217 DE 40 10 RIVETS FAMILY 1 987
21217 TB 32 10 RIVETS FAMILY 1 156
21217 TS 36 07 RIVETS FAMILY 2 962
21218 DE 40 07 RIVETS FAMILY 2 795
21218 TB 24 20 L RIVETS FAMILY 1 180
21250AD04318LE RIVETS FAMILY 1 916
22125BE080038L SCREW FAMILY 329
22129BC050020LE SCREW FAMILY 79
22138BC080062L SCREW FAMILY 99
22140CM050020 SCREW FAMILY 730
22145CM050012E SCREW FAMILY 158
22201BC060005L SCREW FAMILY 253
22201BC060088L SCREW FAMILY 76
22201BE080086LE SCREW FAMILY 38
22201TK050014X SCREW FAMILY 271
22201TK080026X SCREW FAMILY 103
22201TX080026XF SCREW FAMILY 172
22209CM050020 SCREW FAMILY 21
22209 TK 060 020 X SCREW FAMILY 91
22251BC050042L SCREW FAMILY 391
22251TK040022X SCREW FAMILY 96
22252TK050024X SCREW FAMILY 232
22256BC050022L (MAY66) SCREW FAMILY 61
22257BC040028L SCREW FAMILY 229
22258BE070011ME ST38260 SCREW FAMILY 119
22259BC040008LE SCREW FAMILY 75
22275TX040006XA SCREW FAMILY 46
22719TX050015XA SCREW FAMILY 49
22731BC080057M (AUG20) SCREW FAMILY 173 SCREW FAMILY 288
A38885-1 REV 1 RIVETS FAMILY 186
AHG AL 907 ID 5 - 10 A RIVETS FAMILY 6 385
AHG AL U 905 AD 5-6S-5 RIVETS FAMILY 23 434
AHG C84 C - 4 - 6 RIVETS FAMILY 1 543
DIN65324-05004Z (OCT20) SCREW FAMILY 3
WARNING : Before ordering any specific Boeing Part Numbers (BAC…), AHG reminds that all buyers (distributors only) must be D1-4426 certified. For any information, please go to .This D1-4426 web site specifies how The Boeing Company assures that special processes, production of raw material and the procurement of selected part standards are performed in accordance with contractually established engineering specifications, drawings and quality requirements. Without this D1-4426 certification, AHG will not be able to deliver any Boeing PN to the distributors.